SMNS Subjects


Yoga for children can help to promote their physical strength as they learn to use their muscles in new ways. Different poses challenge different muscle groups and help each child to become aware of their body and the way it functions.

Achieving balance is very important in yoga. Even for children that find balancing hard, in a calm environment they will gain mental and physical stability from being patient. Working with a child to remain calm whilst they wobble over will help them with their stability. With regular practice, their physical balance will improve, and the child will get a hugely important sense of accomplishment.

Here at SMNS, we have a separate period for Prep students.


Physical Training (PT) is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and should be incorporated into the daily routine of all students. Physical activity in a school setting has a wide range of benefits. Physical exercise provides many benefits to students for all ages, from improved physical health and mental well-being to increased academic performance and better social skills.

It improves physical health, mental health, and cognitive abilities. It also benefits reducing stress levels and improving academic performance. Regular physical exercise promotes increased energy levels, improves socialization, and develops leadership skills. In addition, physical exercise helps to improve the overall school climate, fosters a sense of community, and promotes healthy habits that last a lifetime.


A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Some extremely simple exercises can boost brain function and make kids smarter, Shaper, improve their eyesight and creativity, boost their communication skills, and increase their confidence. These exercises are known as brain gym exercises.

The purpose of brain gym movements is to connect both hemispheres of the brain (right and left) with the goal of improving brain functions, balancing the effects of daily stress and tension and assisting one in reaching an optimal state of help them stay in shape, think, learn and concentrate at any time.

It’s proven that “beginning the day” with Brain Gym exercises helps children relax, focus and perform better. Here, in SMNS we provide different types of brain gym exercises and

activities as per their age group.


We love teaching with all different types of learning materials to bring learning to LIFE! We use pom-Poms, glass jewels, clay, colourful chalks, play dough, clothespins, and many more! Which child doesn’t want to play learn with these SUPER FUN materials & environment?

Learning with hands-on activities allow children to use their senses while learning. They see, touch and move real objects to complete tasks. Children begin to understand the meaning behind what they are doing.

Children get excited and engage because they are having FUN! They have a longer attention span. This helps them to build knowledge and increase their long- term memory.

Children will strengthen their five motor development. They learn control, communication, concentration and dedication to finishing tasks and problem solving skills.


Story telling is one of the oldest and purest forms of teaching. At St. Mary’s Nursery School, we make a conscious effort to integrate it into your child’s daily routine. In early childhood education story telling is not only an effective way of grasping the attention of children but also has many developmental benefits. Here are some of the benefits of storytelling in early childhood education.

  • Improves language skills.
  • Boosts memory.
  • Fosters imaginative, creative thinking and cognitive skills.
  • Encourages enthusiasm for learning, reading and writing.
  • Develops cultural and moral understanding.
  • Boosts listening skills.
  • Enhances communication skills.
  • Improves social skills.

At SMNS, we strive to provide a holistic environment for learning and development for your child. This is why we incorporate story telling into your child’s routine. We understand that learning and development can come from every part of a child’s life - story telling is just one fun and enjoyable way.


Circle time, also called group time, refers any time a group of people are sitting, together for an activity, involving everyone. It provides a time for listening, developing attention span, promoting oral communication, and learning new concepts and skills. It is a time for auditory memory, sensory experiences, socialisation, and a time for fun. We ensure that each child is given the opportunity to be involved. Participating in circle time ensures good practice of routine, improved listening skills, readiness for school, improved time and gross motor skills and increased motivation for school.


Discipline & manners are not just a formality- they really matter. Having good manners will teach children respect and will help others respect them. Saying thank you shows appreciation, while saying please shows thoughtfulness. Discipline & manners also display gratitude instead of entitlement which can speak wonders about a child’s personality.

No matter the age, gender, sex or nationality of a person, manners are appreciated and recognised. That being said, a child with good manners is always remembered in a positive light. It opens up opportunities. At SMNS, we have a separate period for this on daily basis.


A teacher - student interaction time to share love and concern and to explore the talents of each student. In a bid to promote self-speaking skill and logical thinking among children. Children get chance to speak and participate in activities in the zero period under the supervision and guidance of a teacher. There is no any teaching or learning from textbooks during this period.

It’s a platform to bloom the talent of a child in the school. Zero Period helps the students to make a thick relation with classmates and class teacher. It also helps them to release the tension on their mind and make them confident before starting the daily class and helps to concentrate in their studies with fresh minds.


Going on a nature walk and deliberately noticing things encourages children to observe with all their senses children can learn to focus their attention and take in the details of things around them.

It helps children to stimulate imagination and observation skills. A child’s fantasy world is infinite, especially when exposed to nature and the world outside his home and classroom. A walk through the marvels of nature can foster a natural sense of wonderment amongst children through the use of hands-on exploration to discover the nature at work.